Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts


It’s getting to be that time of year again, when you start to think about Thanksgiving or other seasonal fall and holiday recipes to share with your family and friends. Brussels sprouts always seem to be at the top of the list as part of a menu must-have, and rightfully so.  They are rich in sulfur, one of the top five minerals our body is made of.

Not only are these little green vegetables nutrient dense, they are super delicious if you know how to pull out their sweet flavor!

Here’s my fast and simple go-to method for making drool-worthy Brussels sprouts that you can make in minutes.



Heat your oven to 365°F.

Slice Brussels sprouts into halves.

Drizzle a little olive oil onto the sheet pan and also a little over the vegetables.

Season with a few pinches Himalayan sea salt.

Roast for about 20-25 minutes, stirring once about half-way through.

Remove from the pan and place in a bowl and drizzle a good quality balsamic vinegar over the roasted Brussels sprouts. Stir to coat all pieces evenly and serve.

That’s it! Super simple and you have a side dish bursting with flavor. The roasting and vinegar pair bring a perfect sweetness to a usually bitter veggie.

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