Cold & Flu Related Articles

Health Tips

How To Protect Yourself From The Flu This Year

6.1K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Maintaining a healthy immune system gives you the best chance of naturally avoiding catching the flu. Here are our top tips on keeping in …

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Natural Therapies

10 Tips For Surviving A Cold

10K Views Mairead James Mairead James

Trying to prevent or reduce symptoms of a cold or the flu? Try these 10 natural flu-fighting tips!

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Natural Therapies

What Not To Do To Prevent The Flu

18K Views Meredith Youngson Meredith Youngson

When it comes down to staying healthy, prevention through food and lifestyle habits are key. Keep these 5 tips in mind to keep your …

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Health Tips

Your Gut And Immune System Connection (Recipe & Giveaway)


Did you know that approximately 70-80% of your immune tissue is located within your digestive system? Find out more and a mouth-watering immune boosting …

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Health Tips

Turn Ordinary Vegetables Into Immunity Boosters With This Simple Trick!


One of the best ways to protect your health is by keeping your gut flora healthy with naturally fermented foods. Instead of waiting for …

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Health Tips

Does Having A Flu Shot Mean I Won't Get The Flu?


It seems that wherever you look we're being advised to get the flu shot. Does it work? What are the dangers? Could I still …

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Natural Therapies

10 Immune Boosting Flu Shot Alternatives


Pharmacies all over are promoting walk-in flu shots for the "flu season"...but for those that don't want a chemical cocktail injected into their bodies …

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Natural Therapies

NZ Farmer Beats Swine Flu With Vitamin C (60 Minutes Report)


This is an amazing video story of a New Zealand Dairy Farmer who contracted Swine Flu and Intensive Care Specialists wanted to turn his …

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