Melanie Eager

Melanie is a Nutritionist and Wellness Coach at Eager for Life. With two science degrees from London University, a science career spanning nearly two decades and an ever increasing knowledge in the role of nutrition and complementary therapies Melanie is uniquely placed to guide you through the maze of wellness options. Sharing her personal journey from chronically fatigued to running an ultra-marathon Melanie will inspire you to get your health on track and offers a smorgasbord of options from tailored coaching sessions to vital nutritional guidance. Whatever options you choose with Melanie you will find her energy and commitment to you will leave you Eager for Life.

My Articles


Reclaim Your Lunch Break

Melanie Eager Melanie Eager

Do you take a lunch break? If you don't, you're unfortunately not alone. There are health benefits for both yourself and your employer if …

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