Sandi Louise Ross

Sandi Louise Ross is an international naturopath, nutritionist and acupuncturist. With a degree in naturopathic medicine and a Masters degree in Chinese Medicine, Sandi integrates the two modalities to bring you the greatest health outcomes. Sandi's expertise covers female hormonal disorders, mental health, digestion and detoxification. She practices in both Australia and Thailand. Regularly, she writes for magazines and is the author of the e-book 'The 21 Day Cleanse - The Definitive Guide To A Naturopathic Detox'. As a new mum, she shares her passion through her blog. Sandi's foundation of wellness starts with a nourishing diet, healthy movement and a happy mind.

My Articles

Natural Therapies

10 Steps to Naturally Increase Breastmilk

Sandi Louise Ross Sandi Louise Ross

Breastfeeding, when all flows smoothly, is the one of the best connections between a mother and baby. For others, It can start off with …

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Natural Therapies

Natural Support for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Sandi Louise Ross Sandi Louise Ross

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common disorders in women, and is a leading cause of female subfertily, menstrual dysfunction and …

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Natural Therapies

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 ways it can help heal your body

Sandi Louise Ross Sandi Louise Ross

Discover the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 ways that it can help heal your body.

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Health Tips

Love, Eat, Pray: Techniques To Help You Eat Mindfully

Sandi Louise Ross Sandi Louise Ross

When did we become so busy that we forgot to chew our food? The modern pace of life has us sitting in front of …

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My Recipes