Shaking Up The Salt Debate!
A mineral that has received a lot of bad press, salt is actually fundamental to our health. Ironic, isn’t it? So why are we led to believe salt is bad? I am blowing the lid on the salt debate.
As I was swimming in the ocean 2 weeks ago in Australia, tasting the salt water on my lips, it got me thinking about the organic nature of our bodies. A mass of minerals, salts and nutrients, our physiological needs reflect the earth around us, and it always blows my mind that nature provides for us so perfectly in this way.
Which is why I felt compelled to shake up the salt debate after reading yet another mainstream medical advice piece in the media recently about consuming salt.
So here it is: SALT IS GOOD FOR YOU
Salt? I hear you say. Are you sure? And this is where the camp of traditional believers might jump in, yelling ‘NO. IT’S NOT!’. And they would be right if I was talking about the chemically produced table salt that is added to most processed foods, meats and snacks (that IS bad for you). But I’m not.
I’m talking about REAL salt – 100 percent natural salt that is extracted from a legitimate natural source and is not bleached or processed.
Think Celtic sea salt, black lava salt or the mother of all salts, Himalayan salt (or ‘white gold’ as it has come to be known – although, yes, it is actually light pink – consisting of sodium chloride plus 82 further minerals in its natural crystalline form).
So why all the confusion?
Because, as usual, when mankind got in the way of nature, things got a little funky, and now no one knows their good salt from their bad. And as a critical component of our well being, it’s time we did.
“If it’s made in the lab, then it takes a lab to digest,” says Kris Carr from Hungry For Change.
Sounds simple, because it is.
As Phillip Day explains in The Essential Guide to Water and Salt, common table salt is a poison, refined from nature’s storehouse to remove all elements but sodium chloride. It is chemically produced, bleached and devoid of other trace nutrients the body needs. It is not naturally occurring.
“Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt, causing the potential for a myriad of health problems in your body,” confirms Dr Joseph Mercola.
In fact, when saltwater fish are placed in salt water made with table salt, they die.
So, no. Table salt is not real salt. And real salt is vital for the body to function properly. Just look at the difference that good salt versus bad salt has on your body, and you’ll see what I mean.
In addition, natural salt has been known to help combat a whole host of ailments including stress, depression, emotional disorders, confidence issues, muscle weakness, bladder control problems, diabetes, sleep disorders and arguably cancer.
A renowned leader in health, David Wolfe, even cites natural salt as one of the major factors in his radical recovery in overcoming his chronic allergies. “I started drinking salt water whenever I felt a little bit of my allergies coming back, […] and all of a sudden it would go away,” he explains.
Natural salt is that good, it can even heal …
Natural salt is not only a necessary building block of our existence, it can also help prevent and even cure a number of illnesses. I told you it was amazing!

So there you have it. Salt is a mineral to HAIL not to HATE, just as long as it is the right type.
What are your thoughts on the great salt debate? Leave a comment below.
PS: Some detoxification programs such as the Gerson therapy uses periods of high potassium and low sodium in their programs to help with certain disorders. So keep this in mind if you have a serious chronic illness.