Think Before You Pink!
You may have heard the term 'Green Washing'. It refers to corporations that try to appear 'green' without reducing their negative impact on the environment. 'Pink Washing' on the other hand is a campaign designed to make people feel like they're helping solve a problem, while they're actually doing more to contribute to the Cancer Industry. 'Pink Washing' has been around for a while, but is now reaching almost unbelievable levels.
The worst Pink Washers' exploit the intense emotions associated with breast cancer while selling products that actually contribute to breast cancer. Everyone is getting into it. The "Breast Cancer Site" sounds like a website to get information about the disease, but is really a shopping site where visitors can donate towards mammograms by buying products like pink ribbon bamboo socks, goggles for your dog or pink ribbon hologram flip-flops. But can shopping really cure cancer?
Why not prevent cancer?
We're in the midst of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and this brings up the question of why the month is named an "awareness" month. Why not name it "Breast Cancer Prevention Month?" The answer to that question, it turns out, reveals a number of interesting things about the cancer industry that the general public isn't supposed to know.
For starters, you're only supposed to be "aware" of breast cancer, but you're not supposed to actually prevent it. The whole point of this awareness month is not actually to increase awareness of breast cancer - virtually everyone is already aware of the existence of the disease - but rather to increase fear so that more women will go get screened for cancer. They should really call it the "Be Afraid of Breast Cancer Month."
The big push for more cancer screening, it turns out, only results in more recruitment of women into high-profit cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and surgery. This is where the real profits are to be found, and Breast Cancer Awareness Month is really all about corralling women into these high-profit treatments. The science, however, says that radiation, chemotherapy and surgery harm far more women than they help, and that cancer over-diagnosis and over-treatment is such a huge problem today that all these breast cancer awareness campaigns are actually hurting women's health across the board.
So why doesn't the cancer industry rally women to prevent breast cancer every October? The answer is obvious: Preventing breast cancer would reduce the number of cancer patients being processed through their high-profit cancer centers. If women were to effectively prevent cancer by avoiding toxic chemicals, eating anti-cancer foods and boosting their intake of anti-cancer nutrients like vitamin D, cancer rates across America would plummet -- perhaps by as much as 80%.
But what's the real kicker in all this: We don't need any new research to prevent breast cancer. We already know how to prevent it right now! It's easy with vitamin D, exercise, fitness, superfoods and anti-cancer nutritional supplements such as medicinal mushrooms. Yet virtually the entire cancer industry actively ignores all these things. Just go to a "Walk for the Cure" cancer rally sometime and ask the officials there why they don't promote preventing breast cancer. Their answers will amaze you. They simply have no interest in preventing breast cancer. Their entire focus is treating breast cancer, which is a clever ploy for recruiting women into extremely toxic conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Let's face it: Cancer is growing into a trillion-dollar industry worldwide. There's a ton of money to be made from keeping women nutritionally ignorant, scaring them into cancer screening, irradiating their breasts with mammograms, and then charging them huge dollars to "treat" their cancers.
Breast cancer is anywhere from 70% - 90% preventable through simple changes in diet, exercise, consumer product use and nutritional supplementation. But real freedom from breast cancer can only be attained if you de-program yourself from the cancer industry propaganda and heal yourself by choosing to live an anti-cancer lifestyle.
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