3 Tips to Help You Feel Healthy in 2016


Have you been wondering about how to experience more health and energy in your life?  If this is the year you have truly committed to living an inspiring life that you love, I would like to congratulate you. Doing something different takes real courage and commitment. On my own weight loss healing journey, I managed to heal a number of chronic health conditions that I was experiencing, as well as lose over 60 pounds in the process, and keep it off for good.  To help you on your own healing journey, I would like to share: 

3 powerful tips that helped me to radically transform my health and energy levels.

Tip #1: Take a Holistic Approach to Your Health Goals

Just as everything in your environment is intimately connected, so too are the different areas of your life. When thinking about your health goals for the year, take some time to consider the different areas of your life. Are you fulfilled in your work?
Are you happy with your family life and intimate relationships? Are you feeling creatively self-expressed? Are you wanting to travel and have new life experiences? If you are feeling either bored or stressed in any area of your life, it is highly likely that this will be affecting your health and energy levels, as well. 
Learning what deeply nourishes your body, mind and soul are an important part of the healing process.  Often food cravings and emotional eating happen when people feel bored or unfulfilled in their lives. Pay attention to your current life challenges.  What are they trying to teach you and how are they impacting you and your health?

Tip #2: Reconnect your Body and Mind

You become very powerful when your body and mind are working together in harmony. With their combined strength, they can support you in easily achieving your health goals. Gandhi said it best when he remarked “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Learning how to reconnect your body and mind is a practice that is certainly well worth mastering.
Perhaps one of the easiest ways to achieve your health goals is to start with walking. Walking is a powerful but gentle way to encourage your body and mind to start communicating with each other. Another simple but powerful way to achieve your health goals is to begin a regular yoga practice. Yoga is an effective way to start moving your body and connecting with your mind. Doing yoga allows you to disengage from the “busy-ness of your life.” 
From this place of inner stillness, you can really enjoy the feeling of your body and mind working together in union. Taking the time to reconnect your body and mind will help you to take massive steps towards your health goals.

Tip #3: Surround yourself with inspiration and support

Feeling both inspired and supported will keep you on track to achieving success in the long term. To find an inspirational and supportive environment for yourself, ask yourself empowering questions such as: What are my passions?  What are my values? What inspires me? For some people, this may mean reading inspiring books, listening to uplifting music, going to workshops, or learning new skills.  For others, this may mean switching jobs, travelling or starting a new hobby or creative project.
You can achieve your health goals. 

Creating vibrant health is not just about eating less and doing more, it is important that you also address the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. When you take a holistic approach to your health, it really is possible for you to transform your body and achieve your health goals. I did it, and I know that with the right support, that you can too.


What Are Your Tips To Stay Healthy In The New Year? 



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