7 Day Juice Challenge
We are often asked to name one thing that can be done right away to get healthier. With respect to food choices, the best suggestion I have is to begin drinking freshly pressed vegetable juices. Drinking just one freshly pressed juice each day is a reliable way of infusing your body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that can protect your cells against premature aging and disease.
Almost everyone who has studied nutrition can agree that freshly pressed vegetable juices are highly beneficial to human health. Yet few people drink them regularly.
Why? Making the time to drink vegetable juices isn’t a problem for most people. It’s the time needed to wash fresh vegetables, feed them through a good juicer, and clean the juicer afterward that prevents most people from making fresh juices a regular part of their lives.
So the first step to incorporating juicing into your life is to fully understand how good it is for your health and why making time to do it daily is one of the best investments of your time - one that will be repaid many times over with rewards to your health!
Now for the challenge...
Join James Colquhoun as he takes you through each day of the juice challenge, explaining the ‘how-to’ and the ‘why it’s good for you’ for each of the recipes within the challenge. Begin with downloading the resources; ‘Shopping List’, ‘Juicer Equipment Guide’, and the ‘Juicing Tips For Beginners’. Then simply follow through the days of the challenge, incorporating 1 juice per day along with a well-balanced, wholesome diet loaded with color and variety!
The Juices In The Challenge:
- Day 1: Detox: Super Detox Green Juice
- Day 2: Purify: Blood Purifier Juice
- Day 3: Nourish: Healthy Gut Green Juice
- Day 4: Firm: Cellulite Purger Juice
- Day 5: Invigorate: V-Eight Juice
- Day 6: Restore: Ginger Turmeric Shot
- Day 7: Eliminate: Heavy Metal Detox Juice
To get you excited here is a sneak peek at one of the recipes!
Detox: Super Detox Green Juice
Ingredients: (use organic ingredients where possible)
- 2-3 celery stalks leaves removed
- 1 small cucumber
- 2 kale leaves
- 1 small lemon or lime, peeled
- 1 pear or apple
- Optional: 1 tsp Superfood Greens
- Juicer
- Juice all ingredients except the Superfood Greens powder.
- Stir in the Superfood Greens powder just before serving.
Let's Get Juicy!
Do you have a passion for nutrition & natural healing?. Learn more about the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program here.