Could the Water You're Drinking be Harming your Health?
Water: it makes up almost 75% of your body and is absolutely necessary for life. Water is the elixir of life- without it we cannot exist.
You probably know you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of this life-giving liquid per day, but have you given serious thought to the quality of your water?
The water you drink every day could be harming your health!
In the United States, we have many different options for our drinking water, but they are not all healthy.
Tap water
Tap water is municipal water that comes out of the faucets and has been treated, processed and disinfected. It is purified with chlorine and generally has added flouride. But one of the byproducts from using chlorine in our drinking water is linked to cancer.
Distilled water
Distilled water can be any kind of water that has been vaporized and collected, leaving behind any solid residues, including minerals. Distilled water has no minerals in it at all.
Reverse osmosis water
Reverse osmosis water has been forced through membranes that remove larger particles, pollutants and minerals. Reverse osmosis water is usually acidic.
Deionized water
Deionized water has had ionized impurities and minerals removed from it but not bacteria or pathogens.
All of the above waters lack essential minerals that are necessary for good health. Mineral deficiency can lead to insulin resistance, migraines, high blood pressure, constipation and even heart beat irregularities!
The Dangers of Bottled Water
Bottled waters deserve some special attention because they are not always as pure as you might expect them to be.
Here are some reasons not to choose bottled water:
- Dangerous toxins from some plastic water bottles can leach into your water.
- Bottled water is often just purified municipal water and lacks essential minerals. (Brands like Dasani and Aquafina are cleaned-up city water.)
- Purifying, bottling and shipping water requires vast resources and uses more water than when you get your water from a pure source in the first place.
If you do you use bottled water, make sure you use reusable glass or plastic containers, and try not to consume ultra purified municipal waters in favor of naturally clean sources.
Mineral Rich H2O
The best water to drink is naturally clean, pure and full of naturally occurring minerals:
- Well water comes from a hole drilled in the ground that taps into a water source. A pump brings it to the surface. If you do not have access to city water, then you would need a well.
- Natural spring water flows up from a natural spring and is bottled at the source.
- Artesian or spring waters come from a natural source but are bottled off-site and are processed and purified.
- Mineral water could be natural spring water or artesian water, comes from an underground source, and contains at least 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved solids, including minerals and trace elements.
All of the types of water mentioned above have essential minerals and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Minerals are important for nearly every function in your body, especially your adrenals.
Mineral-rich water can be one source of these nutrients, but if you can't get these waters because of cost or your location, then home filters are an option.
Look for these types of filtration when you purchase filters or bottled water:
- Absolute 1 micron filtration removes any particles that are larger than 1 micron in size. This filtration leaves minerals in water.
- Ozonation is used by bottled water companies instead of chlorine to eliminate baceria. Ozonation does not change the mineral content of your water.
Remember that any filter is better than no filter, so even standard pour through filters like those from Brita help clean up your water, can remove chlorine and improve the taste, but they also remove minerals.
Water: The Fountain of Youth
Water is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle, so make sure that you are choosing the best possible water, avoiding dangerous plastics, and getting enough vital minerals.
With 8 to 10 glasses a day of pure water, you'll have energy and vitality like never before.
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