Do You Shape The World Or Does It Shape You?


Want to watch a movie that will change the way you think and show you the power behind your existence?
Kicking off 2015 with a huge bang for our FMTV Film Club is an absolutely awe-inspiring mind-altering documentary, which will challenge everything you have ever been taught about life, pulling into question your belief system and examining your reality.
This is a movie that will make you THINK (it certainly made me).

Exposing the relationship between freedom and control in Western democracies, The Lottery of Birth contains some of the most incredible insights into the way we act and who we are as a result of what we are told and the messages we are given from birth. What’s also amazing is that we don’t tend to realize our blinkered view. We are such a product of the culture/society/politics we are born into, that our rationality is bounded. Our version of life is just that – a ‘version’ – but it manifests in terms of who we become, and the society we create.
It’s spine-tingling stuff.
Pulling together a group of leaders in their respective fields of activism, philosophy, journalism, psychology, the environment and history, the film looks at the topic from all angles in a very cool way, dissecting modern civilization and our value-system in doing so.
And the message is clear – that in moving forward to create a world we really want, we must never fail to question the status quo and ask ‘WHY?’. Having been ‘programmed’, it is up to us to gain an awareness of this, and recalibrate. Only then can we change the course of the future.
Winner of the Spirit Award at the Artivist Film Festival and Nominated Best Documentary at the Raindance Film Festival, this film inspires exactly the type of thinking that is so urgent in forging a better path. For this reason alone, I couldn’t rate it more highly. And I am not the only one. Colin Firth has described the movie as mind blowing, while Alan Rickman has labeled the film ‘unmissable’.
This is a documentary that is a wake-up call for all of us. Not only CAN we make a difference – but it’s important that we DO.
The film is eye opening, empowering, thought provoking, educational, shocking (especially with regard to the control corporations have over our lives) and life changing. If you don’t watch another movie all year, watch this one! Tune in and let me know what you think.

Watch It Now On FMTV! 

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