The Dangers of Mercury Amalgam Fillings (Video)


Millions of people have mercury amalgam fillings in their teeth to repair cavities. The mercury vapor is released from amalgam fillings when aggravated, is inhaled and swallowed, and causes low level mercury poisoning in the body resulting in a raft of common ills.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning include:

  • Auto-immune diseases,
  • mental disorders,
  • migraines,
  • cancer,
  • insomnia,
  • arthritis,
  • depression,
  • oral lesions,
  • infertility,
  • birth defects,
  • stomach pains,
  • memory loss,
  • autism,
  • developmental disorders,
  • ADHD,
  • anxiety,
  • mood changes,
  • asthma,
  • allergies, etc...

The History of Amalgam

Dental amalgams were first introduced in 1833 but many dentists refused to implant them due to the mercury. In 1843, the American Society of Dental Surgeons declared the use of dental amalgam a malpractice and forced its members to abstain from using amalgams.

Proponents of amalgam continued to claim that dental amalgam was safe because it was supposedly inert in the filling. As dental amalgam was less expensive and easier to work with than standard gold fillings, it was not long before dental amalgam was routinely used by most dentists.

In 1926, Dr. Alfred Stock showed that mercury vapor escapes from amalgam fillings and that this could cause significant health damage. The American Dental Association (ADA) vigorously defended dental amalgam as being safe and its widespread use was continued.

In 1986, the ADA finally admitted that mercury vapor escapes from the amalgam fillings. But the ADA remained adamant that amalgams were safe, and in 1986 it changed its code of ethics, making it unethical for dentists to inform patients of the health risks of amalgams or to recommend removal of amalgams.

In 2008 the FDA admitted in that dental amalgam can cause health problems. Norway, Denmark and Sweden have ended the use of mercury fillings and many dental schools no longer teach mercury placement. Germany, Canada, and California require mercury toxicity warnings to be given to pregnant women.

There are healthier alternatives to dental amalgam such as composite resin (white) fillings, porcelain, and glass ionomers. Gold is not a good alternative as it produces electrical currents within your mouth.

If you are considering having your amalgam fillings removed make sure that you use a dentist who specializes in safe amalgam removal. Mercury vapor escapes during the removal process and having a rubber dam fitted and use of medical oxygen is recommended.

If you are looking for a holistic or biological dentist in your local area to have your fillings removed you can search for one using our online 'Practitioner Directory'.

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