The Ultimate Guide To Superfoods (Infographic)

Source: Cassie Brewer and Fair & Flawless

By now it's almost universally accepted that a well-maintained and balanced diet is one of the most important things a person can do for their own health. Unfortunately, when it comes time to translate words into action, sticking to a diet seems to fall apart just as often as it succeeds.

A lot of the time, this can be due to either a lack of direction or a lack of enjoyment--or even a combination of the two. Without direction, a prospective dieter can be left with just a vague notion of "eating healthier," which can be easy to disregard without concrete steps to follow. Likewise, a purposeful diet that consists only of bland or uninteresting foods may be healthy, but can oftentimes be far from motivating.

Fortunately, there's a solution to both of these problems: superfoods. These are foods that both taste great and provide numerous health benefits to your body.

Never heard of superfoods? Already on-board but looking for a resource to start your superfood-rich diet? The infographic below, acts as both a good starting place and comprehensive resource for people of all levels of interest, looking for a great way to eat better and healthier.

Cassie Brewer is a journalist in Southern California. She is passionate about helping others look and feel their best and finds that one of the best ways to accomplish this is through the foods that we eat.

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Source: Cassie Brewer and Fair & Flawless