Debunking 5 Juice Detox Myths
For a practice so beneficial to our bodies, there sure are some crazy stories that are spread about juice detoxing. James and I know from firsthand experience just how much these myths get thrown around, so I wanted to take the opportunity to clear up some of the most common misconceptions.
Detoxification is a naturally occurring function of the body. We are born with specific and innate pathways to eliminate toxins from everyday living. However, as we live in societies that have increased exposure to toxins in our diets and environments, sometimes this process needs a further push. It’s like getting a service or oil change in your car to make sure it’s all running smoothly. This process is incredibly important for reducing the inflammation that can lead to chronic disease when left unaddressed.=
A 100% liquid diet is another extreme to the full plates we tend to consume at each meal, but it’s not a new (or new-age) phenomenon. In fact, the practice of fasting has been used therapeutically since at least the 5th-century BCE, when Hippocrates recommended abstinence from food or drink for patients who presented with symptoms of illness. Juice detoxes follow a similar protocol; removing the burden of digestion from your body while supplying your body with a concentrated form of micronutrients.
Here’s the truth that you really need to know about detoxing:
1. Juice Detoxes Don’t Give You Enough Nutrients
Without the physical bulk of food, it’s easy to understand why some people may believe that juice detoxing may leave you malnourished. However, it’s actually quite the opposite. The mastication process of cold-pressed juices removes a lot of the bulk and wastes from fresh foods but retains all of the vital nutrients. Juices are basically like a concentrated form of natural medicine, and without the need for metabolizing in the body, these nutrients are able to be directly transported into the bloodstream.
2. Juice Detoxes Have Too Much Sugar
There’s no right or wrong answer for this one. Many people participate in juice detoxes because they’re seeking to address any food dependencies - especially on sugar. But if the recipes mindful of the types of fruits and vegetables they’re using (and their natural sugar content), a detox can see people running on straight sugar. That’s why we recommend vegetable-based juices; leafy greens, dense roots, and cruciferous foods all have remarkable benefits without the high glycemic load.
3. It’s Unnatural Not To Eat
As I mentioned earlier, this is one of the most common misconceptions around detoxing. Since some of the earliest know stories, humans have fasted or detoxed their bodies. Hunter-gatherers waiting for the next big meal and those starving a sickness alike. This is one of the best, and most effective, ways to address underlying concerns in your body. Without a constant intake of food, the ‘rest & digest’ nervous system is activated - directing our energy to the parts of us that need it the most. In the 21st Century, most of us live with an abundance of food in reach, not to mention the constant exposure to toxins. Our bodies aren’t afforded the opportunity to detox along the way, so sometimes we have to encourage this natural process.
4. You Only Lose Water Weight & It’s Not A Sustainable Method of Weight Loss
It’s true, to an extent. If you’re not eating consciously for the other 358 days of the year, an immersion into a juice detox won’t be a sustainable method of weight loss. However, there are two parts to this that need to be addressed. While throughout a juice detox it is expected that you will lose some water weight, a lot of this is due to toxins being released from the kidneys and liver through your body’s natural elimination process; urination. Then when thinking about long-term, sustainable weight loss - start as you mean to go on. A juice detox is a wonderful way to kickstart or reinvigorate your weight loss journey while setting yourself up with new, healthy habits.
5. It’s Way Too Hard & Tastes Gross
I would be lying if I said detoxes weren’t difficult - but it’s not so much the hunger or intense starvation you expect, but rather an exercise in mindset. When you embark on your first detox, you may be challenged in ways you never expected and made to confront your relationship with both food and self. However, it is one of the most profound experiences in awareness and positivity. As the body eliminates the toxins throughout the seven days, each day gets a little more lighter and energetic. At the end of a cleanse you’re left wondering why you’ve never done this before. Plus, if you’re getting the best program with the most delicious recipes, there’s no such thing as a gross-tasting juice.
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