Food Matters Inspirational Stories
Thank you so much for spreading the word last month for the World Wide Free Screening Event of 'Food Matters'! During this week you helped share the knowledge with over 179,042 people! YOU are making the world a healthier place!
It is amazing to consider how many people are now starting their journey to understand why 'Food really does Matter'!
We are now welcoming you to another opportunity. Your story! Together we can all inspire each other and know that positive change is REAL!
- Did you make changes which impacted your life or your families' and friends' life?
- Did you notice any significant changes?
- What was the ripple effect of these changes?
- Did your friends start following and wanting to know more?
- Do you shop differently?
Have a browse through some of the facebook comments from the event below and let's all share our stories of achievement proudly!
You can leave your story in a comment below or email us directly here.
Congratulations! Together we ARE making the world a healthier place!
James & Laurentine
Producer / Directors 'Food Matters'
Do you have a passion for nutrition & natural healing?. Learn more about the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program here.