10 Foods for Brain Health, According to a Brain Expert


First, we create our habits. Then we create our routines around those. Our lives rely on our routines and our habits, according to one of the world’s leading brain experts, Jim Kwik.

For Jim, some of the most important habits take place first thing in the morning. “If you want to win the day, win that first hour”, he says.

These habits that take place in the first hour don’t have to be time-consuming or challenging, they’re as simple as small wins like making the bed. Although, according to Jim, pushing yourself with a small challenge and getting slightly uncomfortable can give the brain the exercise it needs and encourages concentration and performance throughout the day.

From simple rituals to journaling practices, one thing that nourishes Jim every morning is a Brain Smoothie, made up of his top 10 favorite brain foods. These are foods that have unique compounds that make them the perfectly nourishing choices to start your day.

A Mind Performance Expert’s Top 10 Brain Foods:

  1. Avocado
  2. Blueberries
  3. Broccoli
  4. Coconut Oil
  5. Eggs
  6. Leafy Green Vegetables
  7. Wild Salmon
  8. Sardines
  9. Turmeric
  10. Walnuts

Jim shares what exactly makes these foods nourishing, along with his secrets to a successful morning, plus the one thing he will never do upon waking, in our latest Youtube video. You can watch it here!

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