The Answers To Great Health Have Been Here All Along


Do you sit at an office all day, feel flat, sick, have tummy troubles, and struggle to lead the life you've always wanted? Then it's time to get back to nature.

This month, we're so excited to announce Origins as the November FMTV Film Club documentary. It's an incredibly thought-provoking film combining the latest research with expert health advice to reveal just how critical it is for us to reconnect and live as one with nature.

Origins take a journey through the biological roots of where we have come from and where we have gone. Highlighting the importance of returning to nature for our health and the planet

It makes total sense that life supports life, yet we have taken advantage of what Mother Nature has graciously given us, thinking that we can do it better.

We've created chemicals, Frankenfoods, and can go for days without seeing sunlight, trapped inside sterile buildings thinking that it won't really affect us. But our bodies know different.

Allow Origins to guide you to your ultimate health, and create a brighter future for yourself, your family, and the planet. It's one of our favorite FMTV releases this year!

Watch it now on FMTV or join us for FMTV Live, starting November 20, as we share Origins and 3 other life-changing documentaries for FREE. Following the free screening of Origins, we’ll be chatting live with Pedram Shojai, talented physician and filmmaker.

How Are You Connecting With Nature?


Discover how to eat your medicine to heal your gut, eliminate bloating, skin issues and hair loss as I share seven nutrition principles in this free masterclass. Running for a limited time only.

Nutrition Masterclass