This Film Shows How Addictive Sugar Really Is!
With the rise in popularity of fat-free products in the 90’s, companies had to add something to ensure their commercial products were: 1. tasty and 2. addictive.
Sugar, known for its fundamental position in the addictive triad (see below) was an easy pick. Not only is this sweet substance a cheap commodity, it also does an incredible job improving the palatability of foods through interacting and enhancing certain ingredients and flavors. By adding sugar, companies were able to create ‘fat-free’ products while still alluring the taste buds of consumers. In 30 years this hasn’t changed much!
From premade salad dressings, to bread, to fruit juices with existing natural sugars, you’re bound to find added sugar. We wouldn’t even be surprised if companies were injecting our wholefoods with the sweet stuff (possibly a little extreme), but there are no doubts in our minds that these companies have no holds barred when it comes to what foods they will add it to.
To expose the truth and uncover the health effects behind this not so desirable substance, the latest film to hit Food Matters TV (That Sugar Film) does a rendition of Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super Size Me’. Filmmaker Damon Gameau, consumes 40 teaspoons of sugar per day (the average adult intake), not by eating your typical sugar laden foods, rather decides to fill his diet with the unsuspecting culprits: granola, premade pasta sauces, fruit yogurts, food seasonings, fruit juices, breakfast bars, and more.
Gameau, after 40 days of eating this way, starts feeling pretty rotten!
With close monitoring from clinicians and professionals throughout the process, Gameau’s health starts to deteriorate. To discover what exactly happens to Gameau’s body during this period, try Food Matters TV, for free, for 10 Days and watch ‘That Sugar Film’ in full. Not only will you witness the side effects of excessive sugar consumption, you’ll also be guided and informed by registered doctors and dieticians along the way, giving you the complete scientific rationale behind sugars interaction with the body.
A film for the whole family, That Sugar Film is a one-of-a-kind, must-watch documentary for the ages. And if this film sparks your curiosity and has left you with a few questions, check out some of these articles that will continue to expose the sour behind the sweet:
Coconut Sugar: A Healthy New Alternative
Should Sugar Be Regulated Like A Drug
How Much Sugar Is Hiding In Your Favorite Cereals
5 Surprising Causes Of Sugar Cravings
What Sugar Is Doing To Your Skin
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