Veggie Monster Rocks


Here are some veggie balls that will make your little monsters smile!

There’s no disputing that our kids are some of the toughest food critics around; they like what they like and they certainly won’t sugar-coat it if they don’t like what’s served up in front of them. Many parents all over Australia face a daily battle with their kiddies at meal times, particularly when it comes to the plate-to-belly fruit and veggie mission. With only one in twenty Australian children meeting the recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake , it’s time to think a bit more creatively about what and how we feed our little ones.

Make Them Special!

Remember, presentation is everything! A pair of eyes transforms a veggie ball into a monster rock; super cute, delicious straight out of the oven, perfect for on-the-go munching, and most importantly, packs a mean nutritional punch. Did you know, just 100 grams of broccoli has two days’ supply of vitamin C? An abundance of leafy greens, which are a great source of vitamins, folate, magnesium and potassium, turn these little veggie balls into a tasty snack with attitude that your little monsters will adore.

Veggie Monster Rocks

Yield: Makes twenty-four small rocks.


  • 3 tbsp flax seeds, ground*
  • 6 tbsp water*
  • 80 g (2½ cups) spinach/kale
  • 200 g (2 cups) broccoli - equates to one half medium broccoli
  • 200 g (1⅓ cups) spelt flour/light spelt flour
  • 20 g (1/3 cup) nutritional yeast**
  • 2 tbsp basil pesto
  • Salt and pepper
  • Edible eyes (DIY or purchase online )


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
  2. Mix flax seeds with water and let sit for 10 minutes.
  3. Blitz spinach and broccoli in food processor until a breadcrumb consistency. Add all other ingredients, including flax seed mixture, and mix to combine.
  4. Spoon heaped tablespoons of mixture onto a lined baking tray. Cook for 25 minutes or until firm and beginning to brown on top. Enjoy straight out of the oven or cooled as a snack.

My girls love these straight out of the oven or once cooled with a thin spread of cream cheese or butter. Great for on-the-go munching!

Suggestions for making eyes - vegan cream cheese for the white of the eye and a piece of black olive for the pupil.



* You can replace the ground flax seeds and water with three eggs.
** You can replace the nutritional yeast with 85 g (1½ cups) cheddar

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